6 Guidelines for Proper Electric Scooter Etiquette
In your city, or on your travels, you’ve likely seen people riding around town on electric scooters. With less of a carbon footprint than riding in a car, requiring less physical energy than biking or walking, and costing relatively little money, e-scooters are quickly becoming a popular mode of communication. Love them or hate them, it seems like they are here to stay.
Electric scooter etiquette
Modernity presents its hopes and its challenges, and the advent of the 21st century’s electric scooter is no exception to the rule. The commuting, riding, cruising, carrying, storing, and plugging in and out of your scooter brings with it a list of conundrums for the modern lady or gentleman, and, for the benefit of the entire community of electric scooter users at large, we sat down and jotted down some guidelines for proper e-scooter etiquette.1. How to Riding in Pairs?
Riding next to your partner or best friend on an electric scooter can be one of the most enjoyable recreational activities you can take up. Having a bit of breeze in your hair is unbeatable, but remain aware of others sharing the road. Ride side by side when space permits, but when lunch hour hits its peak and the streets get crowded, take up a single-file riding position, always keeping an eye on the speed of your friend in front of you. When conditions clear up, resume the tandem ride and enjoy keeping pace with one another!2. How to cross another electric scooter politely?
Contemporary sidewalks are a far cry from the pedestrian freeways of yesteryear. Scooters, bikes, skateboards, and electric versions of all three dot sidewalks from New York City to Kathmandu.
Whilst some cities might allow e-scooters to be ridden in bike lanes, it's not a certainty and is something to research beforehand.
One of the most common scootering predicaments comes when facing an approaching rider from the opposite direction. Which way do you go? Right - always go right. Make sure you get the attention of and make eye contact with the approaching rider, and indicate – early – with your eyes or a tilt of the head that you will indeed veer right.
If needed, get the attention of the other rider with your horn or bell. Making sure you’re both cognizant of each other will keep you from colliding.
3. When do you light your scooter up?
When moving at speed, it can be difficult to see pedestrians at night time on dimmer streets. Most scooters have super bright lights, so use them.Drivers and pedestrians will see you coming from a distance, and you’ll be able to catch people and objects before it’s too late to execute the proper maneuver.
4. Does Courtesy Count?
Your horn is meant to be used sparingly, and sometimes making eye contact isn't possible. When riding in traffic, or if there is any sort of immediate impediment that might make your ride precarious, by all means, sound the alarm.When you’re simply stuck behind a slow-moving pedestrian; however, “excuse me” more than suffices. No, you don’t have to wait until you inches behind the party in question and decelerate to a crawl before making your presence known.
5. Why should fold your electric scooter up?
One of the best things about kaabo mantis 8 and other lightweight commuter scooters is their one-click, easy-to-fold design. Don’t be the guy or girl who doesn’t take a split second to fold your scooter before entering a restaurant, store, or coffee shop.The fold not only makes it easier for you to navigate the crowds in a closed space, but it also gives your fellow shoppers and diners more wiggle room when things get busy.
Show enough etiquette, and you’ll find the staff of whichever establishment you’re visiting more than willing to help you get a charge while you take a load off.
6. How to Park Electric Scooters Properly?
Finally, parking your electric scooter adult properly is one of the most important things you can do to be a considerate scooter user. Always park in a designated e-scooter parking spot, if available. If there is no designated spot, park on the sidewalk next to a bike rack. Never park in front of doorways or handicapped spots.In conclusion, when riding your best electric scooter, it’s important to remember that you’re sharing the road with pedestrians, other electronic scooter riders, and regular car drivers. Although you are going at a slower pace than a car, you may need to be extra cautious and alert to avoid a collision. So be mindful of your surroundings and follow these tips for proper e-scooter etiquette to safely travel wherever you go.
Use a moderate outdoor voice to signal your proximity and pass by leaving a good amount of buffer between you and the pedestrian. Remember, a conscientious rider is a safe rider, and walkers will appreciate it if you acknowledge their presence.
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