Kaabo USA Blog

Why do we refuse the solid tires? - Kaabo USA
Why do we refuse the solid tires?
We have experienced thousands of experiments this month. Because a new branch of Mantis 8 is under efficient manufacture, we must develop a more pragmatic and superior e-scooter. Tires are the key part of electric vehicles. Fortunately, we insist to use the tubeless tires on the updated Mantis 8. Do you want to know why? Many brands are claiming that their solid tires are perfect, but we are standing in a completely opposite side. They have attracted customers’ eyes on a...
Imagine your electric scooter usage scenario - Kaabo USA
Imagine your electric scooter usage scenario
Are you still considering that Mantis 8 is a commuting tool merely? You are extremely wrong! I have collected many useful ways from the customers and even our employees. We’re so amazing about the wide number of places where Mantis 8 could be used.  Commuting in the City The most common use for escooters is commuting in the city.  Now shared scooters are a common sight in the cities but as people are getting their own ones you start to...
Electric Vehicles are the way of the future, even in winter. - Kaabo USA
Electric Vehicles are the way of the future, even in winter.
Similar to the technological revolution of globalization brought about by electricity and the internet, new energy will bring about a new technological revolution that will overthrow the status of oil on the planet and create a new value system. The development of new energy can lead to the development of several industries, and electric scooters are one of them. US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has published an op-ed in Newsweek entitled "Abandoning Oil". In it, he wrote that the...
What Makes Mantis 8 the coolest looking escooter on the market? - Kaabo USA
What Makes Mantis 8 the coolest looking escooter on the market?
I have ridden lots of e-scooters, and in terms of design alone, the Mantis 8 is in my opinion the best-designed scooter under $2,000. Let’s see why I think that. Premium black finish There is a saying that goes: BLACK is the most difficult color to work with. For example, many products, in general, are in pure black but the black in some premium products like expensive mobile phones always looks and feels very textured, whether it's glossy black or...